Substances Amphetamine Misuse

Amphetamine Misuse

Amphetamine pills like Adderall, Ritalin, or Vyvanse are usually prescribed for ADHD, narcolepsy, or obesity. When used as prescribed, they are taken in pill form. On the street, these drugs can be swallowed, dabbed on the gums, inhaled, injected, or smoked. Because these pills are so readily available, they are easy to obtain and even easier to abuse.

National Statistics

A study done in 2018 found that there are around 16 million Americans each year using prescription stimulants. Of those who had a prescription:

5 million abused those medications for cognitive enhancement.

0.4 million developed an amphetamine use disorder.

There are around 2.5 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 that regularly take prescription stimulants such as Adderall. Almost 60% of those who misuse amphetamine pills report getting them from a friend or family member for free, and around 20% said they stole or bought them.

In 2010, it was reported that there were around 31,000 ER visits due to amphetamine misuse.

In 2011, there were around 114 daily ER visits of people 18-25 due to amphetamine abuse.

Amphetamine Pills Signs of Misuse

When used as they are intended, amphetamines can help individuals struggling with ADHD. They can minimize hyperactivity, difficulties with attention, irritability, and impulsive behaviors while also increasing the number of nerve connections within the brain and helping promote brain development in children.

When abuse, amphetamines can cause a variety of adverse effects, such as:

Reduced blood flow to extremities

Loss of appetite that leads to malnutrition and weight loss

Acne, rash or hives

Dry mouth and teeth grinding


Increased anxiety, irritability, and restlessness

Mood swings


Exaggerated sense of one’s own ability or importance

Obsessive behaviors

Psychosis and delusions

Cardiovascular complications

Amphetamine Withdrawal

Amphetamines stimulate an increase in the production of dopamine within the brain. When they are suddenly stopped, there is a sharp decrease in that dopamine. Most people who stop using amphetamines will experience withdrawal symptoms. They can be quite severe, especially for individuals who abused these medications for an extended period of time and can lead to a relapse or overdose.

In general, acute amphetamine withdrawal may last for up to two weeks depending on how long those drugs were used and how much. Unfortunately, people may experience post-acute symptoms for up to a year following abstinence.

The most common amphetamine withdrawal symptoms are:

Increased depression or anxiety

Problems with sleeping, such as insomnia

Nausea or vomiting

Severe fatigue

Twitching or shaking

Muscle aches and pains

Appetite changes


Suicidal ideation

Emotional outburst or irritability

Treatment For Amphetamine Abuse

Most people who abuse prescription amphetamines do so because of some underlying condition or cause. Whether that be undiagnosed ADHD, body image issues, or intense work/educational demands, there is typically some cause of this behavior. Because of that, treatment is typically aimed at treating those co-occurring complications alongside amphetamine abuse.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): CBT addresses underlying thoughts that lead to negative behaviors and actions. Clients will work with their therapist to use more positive coping skills to deal with those negative emotions. This can help them stay away from amphetamines, especially if they are not prescribed.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): There is some evidence that EMDR can help improve symptoms of ADHD. This therapy may be worked into a treatment plan.

Yoga or Meditation: Both of these holistic methods can reduce stress, anxiety, and hyperactivity. They ground clients in the present moment and can be used long-term as positive ways of coping with whatever may be causing a person to abuse amphetamines.

Exercise: Any type of fitness or physical activity is naturally going to stimulate receptors in the brain that amphetamines bind to. This can help reduce cravings and make the withdrawal process much easier.

National Amphetamine Resources

Narcotics Anonymous

A website that gives individuals access to meeting locations and times near them.