
Recovery Resource Guides

Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, and different people have different situations and needs. This recovery resource page is intended to give as many avenues for connection and growth in recovery as possible. These specific guides are designed to provide population or demographic-specific resources that can address the particular needs of different individuals from all kinds of backgrounds.

Business Owners

Owning a business can be challenging even in the best of times. When combined with mental health issues, substance use disorders, and the financial upheaval produced by COVID, it can be overwhelming. This guide provides some helpful resources to promote mental health in the workplace, encourage addiction recovery, and connect a business owner with financial aid in their area.

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College Students

College is frequently the first time someone is living away from home and the variety of new responsibilities, separation from family, and stress of academia can put increased pressure on students. This is also around the age where mental illnesses may appear for the first time, and the stress of college can amplify the symptoms of a mental illness. When combined with substance abuse, this can create a potentially dangerous situation. While the risks are real, there are also very real opportunities for help, support, and guidance. In this guide, we take a look at mental illness, substance abuse, and co-occurring conditions among college students and provide some helpful resources for support and recovery.

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Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs are fairly low-cost, but nonetheless effective, ways for people to find help for substance abuse or mental health struggles through their employer. These programs are often provided by employers since they provide care and support in the workplace, increasing productivity and morale. Find out more about the specific benefits these programs can provide, how to access an EAP, or who to speak to about starting one in your business.

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First Responders

First responders are a crucial population in America and all over the world. These brave people put their own well-being on the line to help others, and this often comes with a price. Mental health issues and substance abuse are more common among first responders than the general population, and in this article, we take a look at the challenges faced by first responders and provide some reliable resources that can guide someone toward the help they may need.

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Members of the LGBTQ community often experience mental health and substance abuse struggles at higher rates than the general population. The LGBTQ community is a vibrant one, and there are plentiful recovery resources that are LGBTQ-specific that can address the unique challenges of this population.

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Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness and nutrition habits can create a significant impact on someone’s mental health. Making sure to eat enough specific vitamins, minerals, and fats can provide the raw materials the body and brain need to function properly and efficiently. Exercise can also improve mood, increase energy, and promote more restful sleep. Check out some of the helpful fitness and nutrition resources we found in this guide.

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Overdose Prevention

In late 2020 the CDC reported the largest number of overdose deaths in one 12-month period in the history of the United States. As the number of deaths continues to mount, experts continue to recommend the same prevention strategies. Find out everything you need to know to save a life.

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Restaurant Workers

Restaurant and foodservice workers have been hit extremely hard by the COVID pandemic. Even before COVID, however, the restaurant industry has seen higher rates of mental health issues and substance abuse than almost any other industry in America. Here, we take a look at the problem and provide some helpful resources to guide restaurant workers who may be struggling toward a solution.

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Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is, unfortunately, very common among those who struggle with substance abuse. Experiencing sexual assault can influence someone’s substance use habits, as using drugs or alcohol can become a coping mechanism for unaddressed trauma, however, sexual assault can also be a result of substance use itself. Here, we take a look at the intricate relationship between drugs, alcohol, and sexual assault as well as provide some helpful options for treatment.

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While teachers are on the front lines of identifying mental health and substance abuse issues in children, they are not immune to these issues themselves. We’ve compiled a helpful guide that provides resources specific to teachers and educators of all kinds.

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Substance use disorders and mental health issues are very common among teens. This age group sees higher rates of co-occurring conditions than any other, and having helpful resources to connect a teen with treatment and care is crucial. Here, we take a look at the rates of substance abuse, mental health issues, and co-occurring conditions among teens as well as providing helpful resources for treatment and care.

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