Dr. Chinwé Williams
Dr. Chinwé Williams is a Licensed and Board-Certified Therapist and co-owner of Southeastern Counselor Training Institute. She has served as an associate professor, college and high school counselor, clinical therapist, and executive coach. Her private practice, Meaningful Solutions Counseling, specializes in treating adolescents, young professionals, and women. She currently works as a consultant for schools, non-profit, faith-based, and corporate work settings. Her expertise lies in areas of stress/anxiety management, trauma recovery, the intersection of faith and mental health, and youth and women’s wellness.
Dr. Williams has previously taught several graduate counseling universities and is a member of Licensed Professional Counselors Association (LPCA) and an active member of the American Counseling Association (ACA). Dr. Williams is the co-author of SEEN: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens through the Power of Connection.